Find. Connect. Build.

Find. Connect. Build.

Whether you are a producer looking to reach new markets, a buyer wanting to connect with local or specialty suppliers, or a consumer looking for goods and services in your area, Colorado Proud is a must-have resource.

Colorado Proud is the largest and most in-depth database of its kind featuring a diverse community of food-related businesses: buyers, farmers/ranchers, fisheries, farmers markets, processors/packers, wineries, restaurants and more. Colorado Proud provides simple yet powerful search tools to connect with others across the production and distribution chain.

8 Great Reasons to Buy Local

Buy Local - Infographic Buy Local - Infographic

Our Mission

Look for the Colorado Proud logo at grocery stores, farmers' markets, garden centers and restaurants. By buying locally grown, raised and processed food and agricultural products, you are receiving high-quality fresh products and helping Colorado's economy, local farmers, ranchers, greenhouses, manufacturers and processors in your area.

What's Fresh

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